Command Line Tool

The command line tool provides access to on-device debug features from the command line.


ejava [ flags ] commands [ args ]


The ejava command line tool is used to send commands to the Java Virtual Machine (VM) inside a Sony Ericsson mobile device.


Will not print prompt or working status information.
Print verbose status messages.
Display output in XML format. The default is to display output in text format.
Executes a command after opening the System.out and System.err streams from the VM (see open command).


Display information about the command.
Print sdkhome.
Displays information about the mobile deivce and the VM.
install [jad_file] jar_file
Install a midlet suite into the mobile device. The jad_file is optional. The jar_file is required.
install jad_file
Install a midlet suite into the mobile device. The JAR file is located based on information from the JAD file.
Displays information about each of the midlet suites that have been installed.
midlets false
Lists installed midlet suites without detailed information.'
details midlet_id
Return detailed information about the specified midlet.

Note: The install command and midlets command return valid midlet_id values.
Lists instances running in the phone.
instances false
Lists instances running in the phone without details.
start midlet_id entry_point [flags]
Start the specified midlet. The [flags] are optional and can be one or more of the following:
t - Write VM trace messages to System.out
s - Enable serial network emulation
r - Remove the midlet after it stops

For example: ejava start 1 65537 tsr

Note: The install command and midlets command return valid midlet_id and entry_point values.
Stop all currently running midlet(s).
stop *
Stop all currently running midlet(s).
stop instance_id
Stop midlet with specified instance identifier.
Pause all currently running midlet(s).
pause *
Pause all currently running midlet(s).
pause instance_id
Pause midlet with specified instance identifier.
Resume all currently paused midlet(s).
resume *
Resume all currently paused midlet(s).
resume instance_id
Resume midlet with specified instance identifier.
remove midlet_id
Remove a specific midlet suite that is identified by midlet_id.

Note: The install command and midlets command return valid midlet_id values.
remove *
Remove all non read-only midlets that have been installed in the device.
rmsdelete midlet_id
Delete the RMS data base for the specified midlet suite.

Note: The install command and midlets command return valid midlet_id values.
rmsdelete *
Deletes the RMS data base for every midlet suite installed in the device.
Opens the System.out and System.err streams from the VM and write the contents to standard output.
Displays information about the available space for storing MIDlets in the phones file system.
Displays current memory usage.
Requests the VM to run garbage collection.



The ejava command line tool recognizes the following entries in the properties file ([SDK HOME]\lib\

tool.default.tcpip.port: 6080
Specifies the TCP/IP port number that ejava uses to communicate with the connection proxy. The default value is 6080.
tool.install.tcpip.port: 6081
Specifies the TCP/IP port number that ejava uses for the install command. The default value is 6081.
tool. open.tcpip.port: 6082
Specifies the TCP/IP port number that ejava uses for the open command. The default value is 6082.


Используются технологии uCoz